How and what budget is required?

Hacker attacks are becoming increasingly complex and causing ever greater damage. Effective cyber defense is therefore essential for every company.

Today, every company is targeted by cyber criminals. Today's hybrid working models have further exacerbated the situation, as the potential attack surface for cyberattacks has increased even further. On March 6, 2024, the BSI (German Federal Office for Information Security) assessed the threat level as higher than ever before.

To counter cyberattacks as effectively as possible, you as an entrepreneur should invest more in cybersecurity. But as a small or medium-sized business, cybersecurity is not always a top priority.

Doing nothing is not an option
Nevertheless, doing nothing is the wrong approach: as an SME, you should use the financial resources provided or available to you even more intelligently. One proactive security measure is the use of our DEFENDERBOX. Like a "chain of four defenses" in front of your own gate, thousands of algorithms scan for vulnerabilities and security gaps in your IT infrastructure. The DEFENDERBOX is simply connected to the power supply and network. The box then automatically checks for hidden and open points of attack from the outside and inside using vulnerability analysis and a pentest (penetration test). Your individual results are available within a short time as a report with recommendations for action.

How secure is your company?
Find out and book a test installation (proof of concept). Find out more here or contact us directly.

The DEFENDERBOX bundles the know-how from security checks of more than 1,000,000 IPs, the analyses of security gaps and vulnerabilities of around two million telecommunications customers and several petabytes of data knowledge. Especially for small and medium-sized companies, it is essential to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in order to protect their own company from the catastrophic consequences of a cyberattack: maximum automation, easy handling and a high cost-benefit factor to drastically increase cybersecurity for SMEs.

How do you protect your company from cybercriminals? Take advantage of our current introductory offer for a pentest (proof of concept) including consulting at the special price of EUR 490 - based on one (1) VLAN.

Find out more now!


Current contributions

  • Over 80% critical security vulnerabilities
    Alarming results from our IHK cooperation on IT security at companies! Which critical security gaps were found in our pentests?
  • "Find & Fix" campaign to get to know each other
    Protect your company and find out which security gaps or vulnerabilities exist in your IT.
  • New DEFENDERBOX feature
    After each pentest (penetration test) with the DEFENDERBOX, our customers receive an email informing them of the status of the result.
  • DEFENDERBOX NIS-2 compliant
    Our DEFENDERBOX is NIS-2 compliant, i.e. the DEFENDERBOX reports document exactly all pentests that are valid as NIS-2 certification for the NIS-2 audits.
  • Targeted by cyber criminals
    If law firms fall victim to blackmail cyber attacks, the damage is particularly high. This is why ransoms are often paid. Investments in cyber security and insurance offer protection.
  • Ears in other people's gardens and houses
    Several Ecovacs brand lawn mowers and vacuum robots can apparently be infiltrated by attackers in order to spy on their owners using the built-in cameras and microphones.

Do you want to know how secure your company is? Try it out! Click here for a test installation of DEFENDERBOX.
The trial offer is valid until
30. September 2024.


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