IT cyber security made easy!

Do you know how cyber-secure your company is?

How secure is your IT infrastructure against hacker attacks? Are you adequately protected against external cyber threats? How well are your IT components protected against automated cyberattacks?

Find out for yourself! Test your entire network with DEFENDERBOX for exploitable security gaps. Or use the dual control principle as a QM measure to check your cyber security service provider.

You can test the DEFENDERBOX until September 30, 2024 as part of our "Find & Fix" campaign:

  1. Find: Identification of vulnerabilities and security gaps including a small darknet search.
  2. Fix: Each security vulnerability is assessed, documented and a recommendation for action
    explains how to fix it.

Costs: Special price of EUR 490 for a one-off test installation with one (1) initial check (proof of concept*) and an individual consultation. Limited to 1 VLAN.

All security vulnerabilities found are listed in a management summary and supplemented by a comprehensive detailed report. Among other things, this documents how the vulnerabilities and security gaps found can be exploited. The identified potential threats are precisely evaluated and prioritized. The successful access of the DEFENDERBOX is also logged as proof. Click here for more information!

A regular weekly check costs you only EUR 495/month for 100 devices.

Did you know that as a managing director you are liable for cyber attacks? Read more here!


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Do you want to know how secure your company really is? Find out! Click on the button below for your test installation.
Our "Find & Fix" campaign is valid until September 30, 2024.

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