Hacker attack costs a cows life

The hacker attack on a milking robot costs a cow her life! A ransomware attack on a Swiss farmer paralyzed his computer systems. The cybercriminals demanded 10,000 dollars for decryption, but the Swiss farmer hesitated. The milking robot worked offline, but the cows' vital data was not available. This then led to a tragic event: due to the lack of data, it was not possible to recognize in time that a pregnant cow was in distress. The calf in the womb died and the cow had to be euthanized. 

Costs nevertheless

The impact of the attack ultimately amounted to over 6,400 euros, caused by veterinary costs and the purchase of a new computer. However, the hackers came away empty-handed.

This incident shows the constant threat of cybercrime, even in industries where you would not expect it. However, it tragically demonstrates the unexpected and potentially life-threatening consequences of cyberattacks.

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  • Targeted by cyber criminals
    If law firms fall victim to blackmail cyber attacks, the damage is particularly high. This is why ransoms are often paid. Investments in cyber security and insurance offer protection.

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