Four examples of security vulnerabilities & five tricks to increase your IT security

We use DEFENDERBOX to test thousands of servers, PCs, printers and network components for our customers and interested parties every week. The results are often frightening, because we always find critical security gaps that look like an invitation to hackers. Here are a few examples:

  • Incorrectly configured network drives: incorrect configuration makes them accessible to anyone and allows ransomware to spread easily or confidential data to be read.
  • Smart home controls whose default configuration has never been customized. The standard accounts can be easily accessed and changes made. And modified administrator rights enable attacks on the entire IT network.
  • Printers that allow the printed data to be read. 
  • Network components that have been configured so that everything that happens in the network and which computers are present can be read out.

The fix is simple, but the damage is massive. What do these examples look like in your network?

Regardless of the size of the company, many of us ask ourselves the same question: are our security measures sufficient? The constant threat of malware entering the network is a harsh reality. What can you do?

MFA Identification of employees

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) should be standard in companies of all sizes. This authentication method requires an employee to enter two or more verification factors before gaining access to a resource. Resources that can be protected in this way include online accounts or VPN connections.

Virus protection program

In today's world, every end device must be protected. To do this, it is important to implement an anti-virus program that is appropriate for the company's level of protection. Professional programs offer not only the program, but also background monitoring that allows administrators to see various data on the end devices. 

Access authorizations

Not every employee needs unlimited user rights to carry out their work. As a rule, very specific rights are sufficient. In particular, the user rights for downloading files and executing them should be carefully considered and possibly restricted. Access to the network can usually also be easily limited.


Store important files on a separate device or in the cloud. This ensures business continuity even in the event of an attack. 

Use of an independent cybersecurity tool

Use cybersecurity tools such as our DEFENDERBOX. As an independent tool that does not need to be implemented in your software landscape, it regularly scans your IT infrastructure for vulnerabilities and security gaps. Remember: focus on prevention, because reputational damage cannot be undone.


Current contributions

  • Over 80% critical security vulnerabilities
    Alarming results from our IHK cooperation on IT security at companies! Which critical security gaps were found in our pentests?
  • "Find & Fix" campaign to get to know each other
    Protect your company and find out which security gaps or vulnerabilities exist in your IT.
  • New DEFENDERBOX feature
    After each pentest (penetration test) with the DEFENDERBOX, our customers receive an email informing them of the status of the result.
  • DEFENDERBOX NIS-2 compliant
    Our DEFENDERBOX is NIS-2 compliant, i.e. the DEFENDERBOX reports document exactly all pentests that are valid as NIS-2 certification for the NIS-2 audits.
  • Targeted by cyber criminals
    If law firms fall victim to blackmail cyber attacks, the damage is particularly high. This is why ransoms are often paid. Investments in cyber security and insurance offer protection.

Do you want to know how secure your company is? Try it out! Click here for a test installation of DEFENDERBOX.
The trial offer is valid until
30. June 2024.

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